
Join Our Group

We already have hundreds of young people learning skills and having fun – all ages from 6 to 18, girls as well as boys – why not join us?!

Reasons to join Scouts

Discovering the world

Liphook Scouts dressed as pirates

Being a Scout is all about discovering the world on your own terms and making the most of what you have, wherever and whoever you are. Alongside your new friends, you’ll master the skills that’ll help you weather the storms of life and try things you’d never get the chance to do at home or at school – working with trained volunteers to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Starting small, thinking big

Scouts start small but think big. They stand up for what they believe in and make a difference on their doorsteps, confident in the knowledge that their daily actions add up. In a society that can often feel increasingly isolated and inward facing, Scouts build bridges and break barriers.

Listening in, lending a hand

Scouts seek out the answers to the big questions, and to the smaller questions that don’t seem to matter but really should. Most importantly, they say yes more often than they say no – whether they’re taking part in their first ever camp away from home, writing their first line of code, or accepting the last of the toasted marshmallows. Sound like fun? That’s because it is. All that’s missing is you.

Who can join Liphook Scouts?

Liphook Cubs

We have a catchment area which includes Liphook, Bramshott, Passfield, Griggs Green, Rake and Milland. Sometimes we can offer places to young people living outside of our catchment area, if they are available. There are several other groups in the surrounding areas to which you may also wish to apply. Details can be found at scouts.org.uk by entering a postcode or location.

How to register your child

Liphook Scouts

If you wish to add your child’s name to our Waiting List, then please complete our information form below (one per child). Once the form has been received and processed, receipt will be confirmed by email. We would hope to offer a child a place in Beavers starting at the beginning of the new term following their 6th birthday providing we have places available at that time. For those of Cubs age and older, we would look to offer a place as soon as one becomes available (assessed on a termly basis).

Please note that we are unable to consider requests to join specific sections until we are in a position to offer your child a space. Allocations are made on a first come first served basis with preference given to those with a sibling already a member of that section.

Our Location

Liphook Millennium Centre, GU30 7LD

Download Membership Form

Sign Up to The Scouts

Get Started

    Your child's details

    Child's gender identity

    If you selected 'other gender identity,' how does your child identify their gender including any relevant pronouns?

    Child's date of birth*

    Disabilities and additional needs

    The safety and well-being of young people in Scouting is our priority. Please provide information about any disabilities your young person may have so that adult volunteers can ensure reasonable adjustments can be made for your young person. This information will be handled with extra care and only made available to those directly supporting your young person.

    Please provide information about any other additional needs or any further information about your young person’s disability.

    Please provide information about any dietary needs (eg allergies, intolerances, religious or cultural requirements) of your young person to assist the section leadership team when they plan the programme of activities.

    The safety and well-being of young people in Scouting is our priority. Please provide medical information (eg medications, assistive technology) so that the section leadership team can ensure suitable care is in place for your young person. This information will be handled with extra care and only made available to those directly supporting your young person.

    Parent/carer and emergency contact details

    Parent/carer 1

    Parent/carer 2

    Emergency contact (if different to parent/carer)

    Photographs, video, and audio

    The following consent options concern photography, video and audio footage of the young person in this form being published via the following: Group internally controlled publications and communication channels, such as online news, email, websites, and newsletters, at the Group meeting place, Group social media channels, Group advertising and/or promotional material including press.

    Photos, video or audio of the young person in this form will not be used unless you give us your consent below.

    Please select*

    Additionally, other Scout Groups, Districts, Counties/Areas/Regions and UKHQ may request consent independently as part of event registrations or other Scouting activities.

    Data Protection

    The Scout Association is committed to the Data Principles of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. By signing this form, I agree to the Group during and beyond my young person’s involvement with the organisation:

    1. retaining personal data to facilitate any present or potential future involvement with Scouting, in line with the local Group Data Protection and Retention Policy

    2. retaining sensitive (special category) data regarding disabilities/additional needs, medical information and/or commission of offences or alleged offences, in line with the Group Data Protection and Retention Policy

    3. allowing access to personal data to appropriate individuals within the hierarchy of Scouting.