Privacy Policy

Liphook Scouts Privacy Policy

The First Liphook Scout Group Privacy Notice is as follows:-

1st Liphook Scout Group Privacy Notice

1st Liphook Scout Group is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information for applicable data protection law, including the Data Protection Act 1998 and from its entry into force on 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR (EU 2016/679).

 Our Privacy Notice explains what we do with any personal information we collect from you, including when you use any Scout forms (offline), your use or interaction with Online Scout Manager (OSM), Compass, My. Scout or when using social media associated with 1st Liphook Scout Group.    Our privacy notice also explains how we store, use and disclose your personal information.

 The sections below include information held by 1st Liphook Scout Group and for the purposes of this Privacy Notice the following roles apply: –

          Data Controller – Group Executive Committee

          Data Subject – Young person, Parent/Guardian of the Young Person and Adult Volunteers

What information do we collect and why?

What do we collect?

We collect personal information provided by you voluntarily including: –

          Your title, forename, surname

          Residential Address

          Email address

          Phone numbers

          Member date of birth

This personal information also includes some special categories of information which is regarded as sensitive such as: –

          Race or ethnic origin


          Health and dietary requirements. 

This information is provided by you with your consent and is collected from various sources including: -. 

          Youth application form

          Adult application form

          Activity form

          Nights away form

          Gift aid form

          Accident form

This information is also supplemented by voluntary updates on Online Scout Manager (OSM).

We do not store credit card or bank details, nor do we share data with third parties without permission.

 Why do we collect this information?

We use this information to communicate with you and to carry out our obligations as Scout Leaders.  We also have a responsibility to keep information about you, both during your membership and afterwards (due to our safeguarding responsibilities) and also to help us if you leave or re-join, In addition, we may collect data for registration to events, including nights away.  In some cases, this data will be Sensitive Personal Data which we ask for to allow us to provide appropriate care for members whilst under our supervision.  The list of activities we carry out as part of Scouting that may require the use of Personal Data include:

          To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public

          To manage our volunteers

          To manage our membership records

          To update you on events

          Conduct surveys on our performance and for the Scout annual census

          For financial accounting

          To fundraise for the Scout Group

          To process Gift Aid contributions. 

 Contact Information is collected so that section leaders and in-touch contacts have a detailed, up-to-date method of contacting parents/guardians of young people while in the care of the Scout Group and in the event of an emergency.  

Medical and dietary requirements are collected for Young People for the protection of that Young person whilst in the care of the Scout Group.  This facilitates the administration of any medication that may be required during an event or section evening.  This is sensitive personal information and will only be collected and held with consent.

Religious, race or ethnic origin is collected to enable the Scout Group to respect the young person’s beliefs and cultural origins with regards to activities, food and holidays.  This information is sensitive personal information and will only be collected and held with consent.    

Adult volunteer’s personal information is necessary for the purposes of disclosure checks and safeguarding. 


For individual events, including nights away, specific consent will be requested for sensitive information provided by the parent/guardian.  As photography at events is commonplace, consent for photography will also be requested.   

 How is this information collected?

 Most of the information collected is from paper forms completed by hand by the parent of the young person.  Occasionally this information is provided in an electronic form and sent to the Group by email.  (A third way is through parent updates in Online Scout Manager (OSM)).

 Information is typically provided to directly to the Group Scout Leader, a Section Leader or other uniformed leaders or the Membership Secretary.  The information is also sometimes posted at the Scout Hall.  

 Where is the information held?

 Once collected, Young People forms, and Adult Volunteers forms are entered onto a spreadsheet which is stored on a secure cloud-based storage device (with backup in an alternative storage location).  This is password protected and only accessible by the GSL and the Membership Secretary.  These forms are stored in a secure location.

 Relevant contact and other information associated with the Young Person is added to OSM.  OSM is a secure website and its security and privacy information is available at .

 A paper copy is held by each Section Leader and the In-Touch contact for any given event These paper copies will be held as securely as possible by these individuals during Scout activities. 

 Paper copies are held to ensure that there is no dependency on electronic equipment or telephone signals while at a remote event and to avoid delay in contacting parents. 

 Who has access to the information?

 Membership forms – Group Scout Leader and Membership Secretary

Other paper forms – Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders, other uniformed leaders if hand-delivered


 Group Scout Leader, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and OSM Administrator will have access to all Section data

          Section Leader, Uniformed and non-uniformed members who are over 18 will have access to information relevant to their section. 

          Group Scout Leader and Section Leader will have access to the information relating to adult volunteers. 

          Event Organisers (normally Scout Leaders) and nominated first aider for events.

We may share membership data with other local scouting groups where this activity is required to deliver the scouting groups obligations (such as stand-in leaders).  We may also share data within the Scout association (e.g. (a) some membership data is entered into Compass – a central secure Scout system (b) census information (c) District of County activities).

 When will we delete the data?

We may keep information for different periods of time for different purposes as required by law and best practice.  As far as membership information is concerned, to make sure of continuity and to carry out our legal responsibilities relating to safeguarding young people, we keep membership information throughout the membership and after it ends.  After membership ends we will typically retain just basic contact information for events such as reunions.

For information provided for a specific event, this will be retained after the event for any queries or report of incidents arising from the event.

What are your rights to your personal data?

As a Data Subject you have rights over your own data that you can exercise at any time.  These are: –

          Data is accurate – we must keep your data accurate though this will be as accurate as that provided by the parent or adult volunteer including subsequent updates.

          Data is erased – we must erase your data if not needed or if requested by you.

          Data is portable – we must provide a copy of your data back to you if requested.

          Data processing is limited – we must cease a processing activity if you object to it. 

          Consent withdrawal – we must allow you to withdraw consent at any time.

In the above scenarios, all practicable steps will be taken to address the concern though where it limits the Scout Group’s obligations to safeguarding, this will require further consultation with the data subject

If you wish to contact us to exercise these rights or for any further queries on this Privacy Notice, please contact Stuart Clark at